Cryptocurrency CFDs

Cryptocurrencies are volatile, decentralised and controlled almost exclusively by retail speculators. Trade the world’s newest and most exciting asset class as CFDs.
Trade Bitcoin, Ethereum & Litecoin Cryptocurrencies CFDs on MT4 


With Kitco Markets Crypto CFDs, you’ll trade in a market with no central bank intervention, interbank dealers controlling order flow or large pension funds moving prices.

Cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin or Ethereum are driven by market sentiment and news. Cryptocurrencies are much more volatile than traditional forex currencies making Crypto CFDs an exciting product for experienced and aggressive traders. 

The Kitco Markets Crypto CFDs products allows traders to trade in both directions, long and short without physically holding the digital currency. Please also note that you won’t own or have any rights in the underlying digital currency when you are trading.

This means a trader will get exposure to the price of the Crypto without worrying about the security risks associated with the need for a digital wallet/storage and the risk from the crypto exchange. This is the same as trading Futures such as Gas and Oil without owning and storing a physical product to speculate on its price.

Bitcoin CFD

The first and largest cryptocurrency. Bitcoin paved the way for hundreds of similar currencies and boasts a market cap of over $900 billion.

Ethereum CFD

The world’s second-largest cryptocurrency, it is labelled by many as ‘the next Bitcoin’. Ethereum has received international recognition and support from giant organisations such as Microsoft, JP Morgan, and Intel.

Litecoin CFD

Designed by a former Google engineer to improve upon Bitcoin’s technology, Litecoin offers quicker processing times and a larger number of tokens. It is also the first cryptocurrency to implement SegWit, a method of speeding up transaction times without compromising the underlying blockchain technology.